Supporting Healthy Co-Parenting
This fact sheet is part of the Centering Child Well-Being in Child Support Policy series from the Ascend at the Aspen Institute and Good+Foundation. Research shows children have better outcomes when they are raised by both of their parents. This fact sheet encourages the use of family-centered strategies when working with families, which will increase the likelihood that non-custodial parents will be employed and pay support.
Read MoreParenting Time Opportunities for Children Research Brief
The federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OSCE) sponsored a grant-initiative, the Parenting Time Opportunities for Children (PTOC), to research the ways child support agencies could establish parenting time orders along with child support orders. This brief highlights the outcomes of this project. Historically, orders from the child support program haven’t addressed visitation, but research…
Read MoreFinal Implementation Findings from the Child Support Noncustodial Parent Employment Demonstration (CSPED) Evaluation
In FFY 2012, the Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) funded a demonstration grant project, the Child Support Noncustodial Parent Demonstration (CSPED), to gauge the effectiveness of child support-led employment programming for noncustodial parents. Eight states received grants. This report documents the design and implementation of the different programs and identifies best practices for and…
Read MoreDeFacto Parent and Non Parent Child Support Orders
Recently, state laws have recognized this parental right of “care, custody, and control” to opposite sex unmarried couples who bore the child of sex. Even more recently, state laws have recognized this parental right for those who did not engage in sexual intercourse leading to a pregnancy and birth. State laws have also increasingly limited…
Read MoreAn Evaluation of the Oregon Parenting Time Opportunities for Children Grant: 1) Mediation; 2) Interactive Parenting Plans Center for Policy Research
In 2012, the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement made “Parenting Time Opportunities for Children” (PTOC) grant awards to five states. The grants were intended to: …improve the financial and emotional support of children in the child support system by increasing safe opportunities for them to build relationships with both parents. The parenting time grants focus…
Read MoreA Blueprint for Economic Security
This paper explores the intersections of the work-related experiences of men and fathers, child support enforcement policies and practices and support services for fathers with low-incomes. Consideration is given to the historical factors that are complicating efforts to end poverty. The Blueprint also proposes changes to child support enforcement efforts and support services for low-income…
Read MoreResearch Brief: Child Support, Parenting Time, and Safety Concerns
This is an August 2015 research brief, prepared by the Center for Policy Research for the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement, describing the policy implications of legislation requiring parenting time orders, identifying implementation questions and alternatives analyzing current practices in family violence safeguards, and providing expertise on next steps for identifying and developing family…
Read MoreRoundtable on Domestic Violence: Child Support Program and Parenting Time Orders: Research, Practice & Partnership
This document contains the agenda, speaker biographies, and materials for a round-table discussion convened by the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement under Contract with the Center for Policy Research. The purpose of the roundtable was to identify methods and strategies for addressing domestic violence in child support cases where parenting time is being established.…
Read MoreEvaluation of the Tennessee Parent Support Program
This report is a comprehensive evaluation of Tennessee’s Parent Support Program (PSP), which was conducted in collaboration with the Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC). PSP enabled child support agencies in three jurisdictions to hire staff to provide case management and job‐focused services in addition to helping with parenting time. In the last…
Read MoreColorado Parenting Time/Visitation Project
This is a report on a Colorado demonstration project held in two counties to determine if increased access and visitation led to more engagement of non-custodial parents (NCP) with their children, and the payment of child support. The research was conducted by the Division of Child Support Services with the Colorado Department of Human Services.
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