Voluntary Paternity Affidavit Program 2021 Hospital Survey Analysis
With the goal of increasing its paternity establishment performance measure, the state of Iowa conducted a survey to gather information about the hospital-based paternity acknowledgement program and reasons for the rejection of voluntary acknowledgements. This report gathers information on five different areas: the demographics of professionals who assist with voluntary paternity establishment at the hospitals, information about patient education, the materials and resources used during education, potential areas of improvement on the education process; and reports related to rejections of voluntary acknowledgements.
Read MoreHealthy Babies — Healthy Relationships: A Project to Promote Financial and Medical Security for Children-Final Report
In the Healthy Babies—Healthy Relationships Project (HBHR), the Center for Policy Research (CPR) experimented with the delivery of information about paternity and child support to expectant and new parents in two settings that serve low-income and never-married parents: (1) Centering Pregnancy (Centering) Programs, which replace conventional, individual, prenatal care with a group centered model that…
Read MoreA Portrait of Father Involvement Three Years after Non-Marital Birth
This is a link to a report that provides an overview of the intersection of in-hospital Acknowledgment of paternity (AOP), formal child support, informal support, parental relationships, and father involvement. Analyses presented throughout this report are primarily descriptive in nature and aim to give a broad understanding of the characteristics associated with each topic.
Read MoreIn-Hospital Acknowledgement of Paternity Literature Review
This is a link to a literature review that summarizes what is known about paternity establishment, and the association between paternity establishment and the use of child support services. It is divided into three sections: (1) background and importance of paternity establishment, (2) factors associated with the use of child support services and provision of informal support,…
Read MoreDads on the Dotted Line: A Look at the In-Hospital Paternity Establishment Process
This is a link to a working paper that examines the process of voluntary paternity establishment from two perspectives—that of unmarried parents and that of birth registrars certified to administer the process. The study focuses on the context of the establishment process itself rather than the characteristics of those who establish paternity or do not.…
Read MoreIn Hospital Paternity Acknowledgment: A Portrait of Father Involvement and Support in the First Three Years after a Non-Marital Birth
This is a link to a report prepared by the Texas Child and Family Research Partnership for the Texas Office of the Attorney General, Child Support Division (OAG). It contains recommendations regarding ways to expand paternity education, increase or sustain federal performance of paternity measures, and reduce the incidence of rescissions of paternity establishments. Ultimately,…
Read MoreWhen Father Doesn’t Bother: Conditioning the Failure to Establish Paternity In-Hospital on Fathers’ Presence at the Birth
This is a link to a working paper in which the authors examine the failure to establish paternity in the hospital, where parents are offered an opportunity to voluntarily acknowledge the child’s paternity at the time of the child’s birth. Most fathers who are present at the time of the birth acknowledge paternity in hospital,…
Read MoreMaryland’s Paternity Acknowledgement Program: Participant Entries Into the Public Child Support and Welfare Systems
This report by the University of Maryland School of Social Work attempts to answer the question of who is and who is not participating in Maryland’s Paternity Acknowledgement Program, and how many of the children of participating parents are known to the State’s welfare program within one year of birth.
Read MoreProcess Evaluation of the Bright Start Demonstration Program’s Implementation
This report is the process evaluation of Washington’s original three year demonstration grant for Washington’s Bright Start Program which is designed to enhance in-hospital paternity establishment, and offer parents information about marriage, genetic testing, and parenting plans.
Read MoreChild Support Outcomes of Maryland’s In-Hospital Paternity Acknowledgment Program
This report by the University of Maryland School of Social Work summarizes the research on the impact of Maryland’s voluntary paternity acknowledgment program by looking at the child support caseload and comparing if and how certain child support outcomes differ between children for whom paternity was acknowledged and those for whom it was not.
Read MoreEvaluation of the Bright Start Demonstration
This report is the evaluation of Washington’s original three year demonstration grant for Washington’s Bright Start Program, which was designed to enhance in-hospital paternity establishment, and offer parents information about marriage, genetic testing, and parenting plans.
Read MoreUpdate Evaluation of the Bright Start Demonstration Program
This report is a sequel to the September 2008 report, and provides updated information regarding Washington’s Bright Start Program, which was designed to enhance in-hospital paternity establishment.
Read MoreEvaluation of the Bright Start Genetic Testing Program
This is an evaluation of Washington’s 1115 demonstration grant to improve the rates of in-hospital paternity establishment by enhancing relationships with hospital staff, and providing free genetic testing to couples who were uncertain about the child’s paternity or did not want to sign an acknowledgment in the hospital.
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