Linking the Past and the Future: Building a Longitudinal & Predictive Child Support Knowledge Management System
This report is about a grant received by the State of Washington to build a child support data warehouse.
Read MoreEvaluation of Strategies to Improve Medical Support Enforcement in Washington State
This report looks at the strategies Washington has used to increase the number of children in the child support caseload with access to health insurance. The two primary strategies are establishing a centralized medical support unit, and conducting data matches with insurance companies.
Read MoreBankruptcy and Child Support Enforcement: Improved Information Sharing Possible without Routine Data Sharing
The Bankruptcy Abuse and Prevention Act of 2005 required the GAO to study the feasibility of matching bankruptcy records with child support records to assure that filers with child support obligations are identified. This report contains the results of this study.
Read MoreFinal Report for the E-referral Demonstration: Project Summary, Training Implementation Evaluation, and Final Data Analysis
This report looks at the results of a three-year 1115 grant from the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement to the State of Washington to improve electronic referral and data sharing among the child support, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), and Medicaid agencies.
Read MoreOverlapping Eligibility and Enrollment: Human Services and Health Programs Under the Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has created new opportunities for health and human services programs, including child support, to integrate eligibility determination, enrollment, and retention.Using two large microsimulation models, the study found considerable overlaps between expanded eligibility for health coverage and current receipt of human services benefits, particularly with Earned Income Tax Credits, the Supplemental…
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