YoungWilliams Releases 2017 Infographic
In partnership with its government clients, YoungWilliams delivers services to families in child support and health and human service programs across the United States. Its recently released 2017 infographic illustrates the breadth of services YoungWilliams provides:
- Managed over 545,000 cases
- Collected over $820 million in child support
- Receipted and disbursed over $420 million child support collections
- Answered over 500,000 calls in its health and human services contact centers
President Rob Wells explained, “We have made a significant investment in technology and professional development over the past few years, and continue to find ways to enhance business processes. This is paying off in terms of results for our government clients and the families we serve. We are able to deliver services in an efficient, cost-effective manner, and, most importantly, make a real difference for the people who depend upon health and human services programs.”
YoungWilliams has contracted with state and local government agencies for over two decades to deliver services in the areas of child support, Medicaid, State Children’s Health Insurance (S-CHIP), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (SNAP), child care, and other assistance and self-sufficiency programs.
The firm has 62 offices around the country with more than 1,200 employees including 110 attorneys. The company operates statewide customer service centers, local child support offices, child support payment processing centers (also known as state disbursement units or SDUs), intake and business processing centers, and other specialized projects. All projects have opened on time with no disruption in service. YoungWilliams provides turn-key operations with a full complement of professional staff, facilities, and state-of-the art technology that integrates smoothly with state automated systems.
YoungWilliams’ expertise, outstanding reputation, cost effective solutions, innovative technology, hassle-free contracts, and client loyalty have helped it to become one of the nation’s most trusted partners to health and human services programs.