October 2014 | Orange County Child Support Services; Steven Eldred, Director, and Mark Takayesu (M.A.), Manager, Research and Reporting Unit
Understanding Payment Barriers to Improve Child Support Compliance
The Research and Reporting Unit of the Orange County Department of Child Support Services (CSS) produced a multivariate examination of the number and type of barriers that prevent Non-Custodial Parents (NCPs) from making consistent child support payments. The study determined the major barriers associated with low payment compliance. In order of influence, the top 10 predictors are: 1) NCP Monthly Gross Income; 2) Education level of the NCP; 3) NCP Age at First Becoming a Parent; 4) Ratio of Order Amount to NCPs Gross Wage (ROTW); 5) Criminal History; 6) Visits Per Month; 7) Number of Children; 8) Substance Abuse History; 9) Currently on Probation/Parole; and 10) Language. NCPs predicted to yield low compliance are associated with multiple barriers. Predictive analytics was used to predict future compliance based on these barriers and can lead to effective policy decisions that emphasize setting appropriate orders for NCPs with barriers. In this study, setting appropriate orders effectively improves compliance for NCPs with barriers.
Understanding Payment Barriers to Improve Child Support Compliance.pdf
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