September 2014 | 174 P.3d 166 (Wyo. 2008)
RK v. State ex rel. Natrona County Child Support Dept. (Wyoming 2008)
Even if the district court erred in applying the current version of the Wyoming Parentage Act rather than the version that was in effect in 1992 in excluding the testimony of the father’s expert disputed two genetic tests determining that he was the child’s father, the error was harmless because the father’s proffered evidence was insufficient as a matter of law. The first genetic test that determined that the father was not the child’s biological father was not simply a problem with the test itself, but rather that samples had been accidentally switched, and those test results were not those of the father, the child, and the child’s mother, but rather were the results for three different people; therefore, any expert opinion based on the first test was irrelevant as to whether the father was the child’s father.
RK v. State ex rel. Natrona County Child Support Deptartment.pdf
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