October 2014 | Orange County Child Support Services; Steven Eldred, Director, and Mark Takayesu (M.A.), Manager, Research and Reporting Unit
How Do Child Support Order Amounts Affect Payments and Compliance?
This study examines the primary strategy used to prevent arrears growth from the time a court order was established: setting appropriate orders. The Research and Reports Unit from the Orange County, California Department of Child Support Services analyzed 102,332 California child support cases in order to determine the appropriate support amount to be set relative to a non-custodial parent’s (NCP’s) income. The study found that orders set above 19% of the NCP’s income leads to lower performance in the form of lower compliance, arrears growth, and missed monthly payments. Additionally, cases with imputed income leads to lack of payment and high arrears grown.
How Do Child Support Order Amounts Affect Payments and Compliance?.pdf
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