March 2016 | Carmen Solomon Fears, Congressional Research Service
Child Support: An Overview of the Census Bureau Data on Recipients
The United States Census Bureau periodically collects national survey information on child support. This report includes a compilation of information from the biennial survey data from 1993-2013. Compared to 1993 Census data, less child support was received by custodial parents in 2013 ($24.8 billion in 1993 versus $22.5 billion in 2013; in 2013 dollars). However, a higher percentage of those owed child support actually received all that they were due (36.9% in 1993 versus 45.6% in 2013). The report includes two tables: Child Support Award and Received (1993-2013); and Demographic Characteristics of Custodial Parents by Child Support Award and Receipt Status for 2013.
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