September 2014 | Elaine Sorensen, Liliana Sousa, and Simone G. Schaner, Urban Institute

Assessing Child Support Arrears in Nine Large States and the Nation

In September 2007, child support arrears that had accumulated across the nation reached $107 billion. The purpose of this report is to provide information about the individuals who owe child support arrears, estimate how much arrears are likely to be collected, and identify the factors that have led to their rapid growth. The Urban Institute finds that most arrears are owed by noncustodial parents who have no or low reported incomes. The Urban Institute estimates that 40 percent of arrears in seven large states are likely to be collected over 10 years. The primary reason arrears have grown is because many states have begun to assess interest on arrears.

Assessing Child Support Arrears in Nine Large States and the Nation.pdf

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