Record-Breaking Collections in El Paso County


Record Breaking - WOW #2

The El Paso County Child Support Office was the first Colorado County to reach $50 million in collections in 2015, an accomplishment that no other Colorado counties can claim.   For the first four months of calendar year 2016, the El Paso County office has collected nearly $23 million, and is expected to have another record-breaking year.

YoungWilliams has operated this office, located in Colorado Springs, since 2011.  After a public procurement process, the County Commissioners signed a subsequent contract in 2016 authorizing YoungWilliams to continue operating the County’s child support program and its Parent Opportunity Program (POP).  With collections of over $12 for every $1 spent, the El Paso County child support program is one of the most cost effective programs in the country, twice the national average for cost effectiveness.

When asked for the reasons behind the County’s success, YoungWilliams Project Manager, Jeff Ball, explained, “The County and YoungWilliams share a common goal:  to be a resource to families.  We recognize that the mothers and fathers in our caseload truly care about their children, and want to do their best for them.  With that in mind, we provide support and referral services to other agencies and community-based programs that can help parents meet their families’ needs.”

In addition to operating the POP program, YoungWilliams coordinates the County’s activities for the Colorado Parent Employment Program (CO-PEP). Both the POP and CO-PEP programs are designed to help parents overcome barriers to employment, develop job skills, gain employment, and support their children. YoungWilliams has also established a weekly mobile command station at the Fort Carson Army Base to facilitate access by soldiers and their families to child support services.

“We have focused on delivering family-centered services, and are seeing the results of our efforts,” Ball added.  “Our performance in federally-measured areas continues to rise, and more El Paso families are receiving regular support.  We never stop trying to find ways to improve service delivery, and achieve better outcomes for families.”

With child support contracts in 11 states, YoungWilliams is able to bring best practices, sophisticated technology, and cost efficiencies to its government clients.

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