Mississippi Renews Call Center Partnership with YoungWilliams
The Mississippi Department of Human Services Division of Child Support Enforcement entered into a second contract with YoungWilliams to operate its statewide child support customer service call center. YoungWilliams, doing business as Child Support Services of Mississippi, has managed this call center since its inception in late 2009, answering about 90,000 calls per month.
Located in Yazoo City, the center brought eighty (80) new jobs to the Mississippi Delta. Mississippi Department of Human Services officials, staff from the offices of Governor Haley Barbour, local officials and Mississippi Development Authority Executive Director Gray Swoope attended the 2010 ribbon cutting ceremony, as did YoungWilliams President Rob Wells. “This project is extremely important to us. We have the opportunity to help our home state, serve Mississippi families, and contribute to the local economy,” Wells stated. “We are committed to delivering world class customer service.” The company has received several federal Office of Child Support Enforcement awards for outstanding customer service.
YoungWilliams brings a wealth of Mississippi child support experience to this project. Prior to joining YoungWilliams as the Call Center Manager, Larry Bledsoe served seventeen years with the Mississippi Child Support Enforcement program in various management positions, including Policy Director, Regional Director, Acting Field Director, Senior Program Administrator, and Acting Director for the Mississippi Enforcement and Tracking of Support System (METSS). The company has a long-standing relationship with the State, dating back to 1993 when it began providing legal services for child support cases in Hinds and Warren Counties.
YoungWilliams’ contract portfolio includes five statewide customer service call centers, child support enforcement offices in various states, a statewide disbursement unit, and a statewide employer maintenance and income withholding follow-up unit.