Kansas Retains YoungWilliams to Run Its Child Support Payment Center
The Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) awarded YoungWilliams a new four-year contract to run its state disbursement unit, known as the Kansas Payment Center (KPC). YoungWilliams has managed the KPC for more than ten years and has partnered with the State of Kansas since 2004, operating various child support projects across the State. YoungWilliams currently manages approximately two-thirds of the State’s child support caseload.
The KPC receives, records, and disburses approximately $1.6 million in child support payments daily with an accuracy rate of 99.9 percent. Over the years, YoungWilliams has introduced a number of innovations that have increased operational efficiency and enhanced services to parents and employers. A continuous employer-outreach campaign resulted in an increase of the percentage of child support paid electronically from 27 percent in 2007 to 68 percent today. An online payment portal allows individuals to pay their child support using e-checks, debit, and credit cards. Parents may also pay in cash at various retail locations. YoungWilliams partners with Key Bank to provide debit cards, allowing mothers and fathers receiving child support to withdraw cash at ATMs or make purchases.
The YoungWilliams project leadership team includes Pat O’Donnell, Vice President of Payment Processing, and Gina Hoffman, Project Manager. Together, they have more than three decades of experience with the Kansas child support program.