El Paso County Retains YoungWilliams
YoungWilliams has been awarded a second consecutive contract to operate the child support program for El Paso County, Colorado. From its office in Colorado Springs, the company manages 20,000 child support cases, and collects nearly $50 million a year for the families it serves.
As part of its contract, YoungWilliams also operates the County’s Parent Opportunity Program (POP), and coordinates the County’s activities for the Colorado Parent Employment Program (CO-PEP), which is funded through the Child Support Noncustodial Parent (CSPED) demonstration grant initiated by the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE). Both the POP and CO-PEP programs are designed to help parents overcome barriers to employment, develop job skills, gain employment, and support their children. YoungWilliams has also established a weekly mobile command station at the Fort Carson Army Base to facilitate access by soldiers and their families to child support services.
Providing leadership to the project since YoungWilliams received its first contract in 2011 is Jeff Ball, an attorney and twenty-eight year veteran of the child support program. Prior to this tenure with YoungWilliams, Ball served as Sr. Advisor to the Commissioner of OCSE. His experience includes serving as Deputy Commissioner for the Interstate Commission on Child Support, and as liaison to the federal welfare reform working group.
The company, headquartered in Ridgeland, Mississippi has two other contracts with Colorado counties to provide child support services, and has established extensive partnerships with community-based organizations in the areas it serves.
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