Bengston Elected WICSEC President
Lori Bengston, Project Manager of the YoungWilliams’ operated Nebraska Customer Service Center was elected President of the Western Interstate Child Support Enforcement Council (WICSEC) at its annual meeting in Austin, Texas. Established in 1983, WICSEC is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering interjurisdictional cooperation within the child support community, and training child support professionals.
Bengston’s term runs from November 2011 through October 2012. Prior to her election, she served as First Vice President, responsible for overseeing the planning efforts for the 2011 Annual Conference. She has served on the WICSEC Board of Directors since 2005, and has chaired a number of committees. A respected leader in the child support community, Bengston is also past president of the Nebraska Child Support Enforcement Association, and an active board member of the National Child Support Enforcement Association.
“YoungWilliams has always encouraged my involvement in professional associations, and I am grateful for the opportunities available to me,” Bengston stated. “WICSEC is an outstanding organization with a strong, forward thinking board of directors, and engaged members. As President, I plan to continue the traditions that have earned WICSEC’s reputation as a premier training and networking institution for child support professionals.”
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