Pearson Appointed to ERICSA Board
Tammy Pearson, YoungWilliams North Carolina Manager, was recently appointed to the board for the Eastern Regional Interstate Child Support Association (ERICSA). ERICSA, a professional development organization for child support, supports the industry with a training conference and other activities.
Pearson has been involved with ERICSA since 2011, first as an attendee, then as a member of the communications committee. For the 2019 conference, Pearson organized ERICSA’s first Inter-Jurisdictional Fair. At this networking opportunity, states and tribes were invited to share information about their jurisdiction’s intergovernmental practices with conference attendees. Attendees were also asked to pledge to help others when contacted about intergovernmental cases.
Pearson’s favorite things about ERICSA is the people.
“I enjoy the connections you make with people that attend,” said Pearson. “I still talk to people who I met at my first ERICSA.”
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