October 2022 | No. 2021-CP-01167-COA (Miss. Ct. App. 2021)
Green v. Green (Mississippi 2022)
When a parent’s annual adjusted gross income exceeds $100,000, Mississippi statute requires findings as to whether an application of the guidelines is reasonable. The parents, who had two children, filed for divorce. The father’s adjusted gross income exceeded $100,000. To set support, the chancery court followed the Mississippi child support guidelines, which set support for two children at twenty percent of the parent’s adjusted gross income. The mother appealed several terms of the order including the child support calculation. She argued the support amount wasn’t sufficient. The appellate court remanded the child support portion of the order for further findings. The appellate court didn’t find an abuse of discretion in the method of setting support necessarily, but it found the order lacked the findings required when a parent has an adjusted gross income of more than $100,000. The order was remanded for the required written finding as to the reasonableness of using the guidelines to set support.
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