December 2015 | Heather Zaveri, Scott Baumgartner, Robin Dion, and Liz Clary. OPRE Report Number 2015-76. Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, ACF

Parents and Children Together: Design and Implementation of Responsible Fatherhood Programs

The Parents and Children Together (PACT) evaluation, conducted by Mathematica Policy Research for the Office of Research, Planning and Evaluation in the Administration of Children and Families (ACF) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is examining a set of Responsible Fatherhood (RF) and Healthy Marriage grantees funded by ACF’s Office of Family Assistance. PACT aims to provide foundational information to guide ongoing and future program design and evaluation efforts, and to build the evidence base for programming. This report presents early findings from the process study of four OFA RF grantees serving low-income fathers and participating in the PACT evaluation: 1. Connections to Success in Kansas City, Missouri, and Kansas City, Kansas 2. Fathers’ Support Center St. Louis in St. Louis, Missouri 3. Goodwill–Easter Seals Minnesota in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and St. Paul, Minnesota 4. Urban Ventures in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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